credit control, collecting in overdue bills, debt collection
Have you bought stock and sold it on but not been paid for it yet or have you done a job for someone and they refuse to send you on a payment?
At LCMS, we understand the frustration and difficulties that arise when people do not pay you. Perhaps you need to use the monies due to pay your own bills, buy equipment or even pay the staff wages.
We understand the frustration when a debtor promises payment and does not carry through. Our clients often need the money to pay someone else and if the debtor reneges on the agreement, it places our clients in a difficult position. With our processes, a debt will either be fully paid, partially paid or ready to proceed to legal within 35 days.
Likewise, there is nothing more stressful than wondering how you are going to pay someone that you owe money to. We work closely with debtors to facilitate payment, set up payment plans or ring at prearranged times to take regular payments from their debit card.
We understand that debtors may owe numerous people or businesses money and find it difficult to find a solution to their financial muddle. Our collections staff are all trained to recognise vulnerable debtors and we have a vulnerable debtor plan to assist people sympathetically.
When a company engages LCMS to collect in overdue accounts, we create an account for them on our online portal. They can load a debtor along with their debts. A letter is sent to the debtor, informing them that the debt has been referred to a third party and to encourage them to resolve the situation. We also give them a ring, often the debt is paid via debit card on the first phone call. This call also gives us an opportunity to address any issues that remain unsorted, such as credit note due or unrecorded payment. We liaise with our clients’ accounts receivable team to sort any queries and refer back to the debtors. Second letters and phone calls are also made before we organise Solicitors letters and calls for you, using our panel of experienced Solicitors and our legal team. We proceed all the way through the legal path if you wish, you have control of the process at all stages.
At LCMS we strive to remove all barriers for payment, work as an extension of your accounts team and decrease your debtors listing. If you have a debtors listing that is longer than you would like, just contact us for a free consultation.